Thursday, November 17, 2011

God's Call, God's Promise, and God's Enablement

When God called Isaiah he saw a vision of the holiness of our Lord and after being touched with the fire off the alter, the Lord called him into His service. God called Jeremiah and told him to “go to all that I send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shall speak. BE NOT AFRAID OF THEIR FACES: FOR I AM WITH THEE TO DELIVER THEE, SAITH THE LORD.” Jeremiah 1:7-8.

There have been many times in our years overseas that we have seen the Lord's protection and provision in our lives. When we arrived in Uruguay we were suppose to be the sixth missionary family on that field which had been known as the “cemetery of missionaries” because no one had finished a complete term in 15 years prior to our arrival. Many had come but none had stayed. The missionary that was there when we arrived left the country only five weeks after we arrived in Uruguay. With five weeks of "on the field" experience, we became responsible for four tent crusades that were church planting efforts.  Through everything, we always knew that we were called and truly felt as though we had arrived home. God gave us strength and victory and all four churches were planted and are doing well.

God gave Jeremiah the promise of His presence and the promise to provide His power.  God's promise, His presence, and His power are still available today.  God will enable us to fulfill our life's purpose, which is why I know...Whatever God calls you to do, He will empower you to accomplish.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

In His Hand

  Being a missionary is a life of transitions...from the moment we receive the word that we have been 'approved' for missionary appointment we begin on the journey that requires immediate changes.  Today we are rejoicing that a new missionary couple (along with their two young children) just boarded a plane that will carry them to the country where God has called them to labor.  It took me back to the year 1989...I can remember the excitement that we felt when we loaded the footlockers, action packers, and many suitcases in the truck and headed out to the Tampa airport on our way to Uruguay! We had sold everything we owned except the select items we were able to take with us, we had said our goodbyes to our family and friends, and we were heading to a place that had been etched upon our hearts by God Himself.  Anticipation, excitement, relief, joy and sheer gratitude filled our hearts that day knowing we had made it through the process...through the many transitions that got us to that point but knowing that many, many more were awaiting us at our destination.
  One thing never changes....we are in His hand.  No matter where He directs our paths or what problems we face, He holds us securely in His hand! Difficulties, frustrations, challenges, mistakes, and struggles will surely be part of their new normal, but knowing that they are called, knowing that they are in His hands, knowing that His Word is true will enable them to walk in peace, joy and victory as they minister to 'their' people in 'their' country.  I can't wait to hear what God is going to accomplish as they pour out their lives.  Their parents are dear friends of ours and I know that even through the heartache of seeing them leave, they are rejoicing knowing that their children and grandbabies are 'in His hands'! There is no better place than being where God has called you to His hand!  May God's anointing, blessings, and grace flow through their lives as they do the Master's work!